Original Character Dolls

Original Character dolls, or custom dolls as we had called this page previously, are dolls of characters that we made up.  :)  All of these dolls are our creations and thus don't have any specific costumes like the non original character dolls I've made, but for some them I've created special outfits for their characters.

Name: Lee

Status: Complete.
 Name: Hannah

Status: Complete.  :) 

Name: Anna

Status: Complete!

Name: Delia

Status: Complete.

Name: Stevie

Status: Complete!

Name: Wilson

Status: Complete.

Name: Suzy

Status: Complete!

Name: Leah Sanders

Status: Complete with no specific clothing

Name: Linda Sanders

Status: Complete with no specific clothing

Name: Andrew

Status: Complete!

Name: Laurel

Status: Complete

Name: Amanda Gail

Status: Complete

Name: John

Status: Complete


Name: Michelle

Status: Complete

Name: Abby

Status: Complete

Name: Amber

Status: Complete

Name: Daniel

Status: Complete

Name: Shannon

Status: Complete

Name: Buddy

Status: Complete

Name: Harley

Status: Complete with outfit

Name: Nate

Status: Complete with outfit

Name: Trevor

Status: Complete with outfit

Name: Kyle

Status: Complete with outfit

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