And I play the drums

The second doll we ever made, Ringo Starr has been sitting with his head halfway off for 5 years now. Today I finally took him down and repaired his head. :D
I've never actually taken a proper picture of Ringo - his first picture was of Agnetha eating his foot. :S

So now, Ringo shall have his first proper photosession! :D
Unfortunately his head is so floppy that I have to hold it up.  :P  In our early days of making dolls, we used to paint on their faces with acrylic paint instead of fabric markers.  That's not a bad thing, but sometimes that can get a bit messy and the paint does fade off after a while.  I've had to paint on my ABBA doll's faces several times.

It's supposed to say "And I play the drums" on his shirt but it kind of faded off.  He's been with us for 5 years, after all. 


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