Doctor Who Dolls

Name: 9th Doctor

Status: Head and body completed. No clothes yet

 Name: Rose Tyler

Status: Complete with head, body and clothes (a lot of clothes :P)

 Name: Captain Jack Harkness

Status: Head only, no body, wrong hair color

 Name: Amy Pond

Status: Complete with head, body, and clothes

 Name: 10th Doctor

Status: Complete with head, body, and clothes
 Name: Jackie Tyler

Status: Incomplete with just head, no body or clothes

Name: Donna Noble

Status: Complete with head, body, and clothes
 Name: River Song

Status: Complete with body, but no specific costume yet.

 Name: Jenny

Status: Complete with head, body, and clothes
 Name: Rory Williams

Status: Head, body, and clothes

 Name: 11th Doctor

Status: Complete with head, body, and clothes.
Name: Clara Oswald

Status: Complete with head, body, and clothes.

Name: 12th Doctor

Status: Complete with head, body, but no clothes

 Name: Adipose

Status: Complete.

Name: Bill Potts

Status: Complete!

 Name: 13th Doctor

Status: Complete.

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