Cute 70s Hippie Outfit we made for Rapunzel

Hey guys! Kitty here again! Today I'm showing you this adorable (if I do say so myself) Hippie Outfit we made for my Rapunzel doll! And now, for your viewing pleasure....

Isn't she cute??? Rapunzel and the outfit I mean. :P XD
First off, we made this cute brown headband with a cute little flower on the side. :) (The headband's actually upside down. :P :( :))

We sewed a plain purple stretchy long sleeved shirt, I think it came out really nice. Oh, and do you see that cool tye dye shirt? I dyed it by drawing designs with markers on a plain white doll tee that we made, and then I poured rubbing alcohol on it and let it dry and then ironed it to set it! :D It's that simple! Oh, and I put in the wash and dryer so that the colors wouldn't possibly bleed onto Rapunzel. :) And we also ironed on one of those iron-on decoration patches on the front so it would look even more groovy. :P

And here are here awesome bell bottoms! We ironed on some more iron-on deco patch type of stuff on the side, I think it came out GR8!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and we also made a pair of orange tights to go under her pants to protect her feet (cuz rapunzel didn't come with shoes, and Elsa is currently wearing hers) and to protect her skin from getting blue stuff all over it because Rapunzel actually has some glue on her waist (we'll tell you that story later) that sticks to stuff. :(

So yeah, that's the outfit! You may be able to tell that it's very much inspired by American Girl's Julie doll's clothes, and it works even more that Rapunzel has long blonde hair that reminds me TONS of Julie! XD So did you love it? 'Hope ya dit! And until next time, peace out and be HAPPY! (I'm trying too hard... :( XD :P :D)


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