Outdoor Adventures Part 2

As promised, here are the pictures we took of the dolls during April. We hope you enjoy all the photos! :D
Rapunzel enjoying the warm spring weather.
She really likes those flowers. :)

Nature at it's finest!

Cuteness overload!!

Too. Much. Hair. <3


I think Elsa prefers the cold more...

Also here's Kritsoff.  He's a friend's doll which is why he hasn't been put up on the blog before. :)

I hope Kristoff isn't overheating in those clothes!

Belle #1 is enjoying the feeling of the wind in her hair.

So pretty!
Belle #2 <3

So cute. :D

Belle and Belle. :)

Lovely Aurora.

Frizzy hair, don't care. :)

Could you tell she's missing an arm?

Cat got stuck in a tree!

Lovely Sara.

Now they're all stuck in the tree.


Group shot!

You mustn't forget about Neo!

Captain Hunter and Sara Lance

And last but not least, the American Girls!

Beautiful Saige

Sweet Molly

All the Animators Collection Dolls


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