General Hux Action Figure

I was given this General Hux action figure for my birthday. Though I don't have many, I've always loved getting Star Wars action figures! Unfortunately most of mine have gotten lost forever, so it was nice to get a new one which I know for sure that I will not be loosing! :D (He'll be staying safely on my self, haha. ) Though I'm not a fan of the new Star Wars movies, General Hux has become one of my favorite characters. So what better gift to get me than a General Hux action figure? :'D
Though he's really small, Hux comes with a few accessories, like a mouse droid, his greatcoat, and a small blaster.  The greatcoat is made out of a rubbery type plastic or something like that and can be removed, but it's really tough to get it around his arms when trying to put it back on.  His blaster can also be removed, but I'll be keeping it in his hand since I don't want to lose it since it's so small!!

Hux has a pretty detailed face sculpt which looks quite a bit like the actor, though I kinda feel like I should go in with some pastels and give him a little more dimension.  But that won't be for a while since I'm not confident enough in my art skills yet!  His clothing is quite detailed as well, with small details like creases in the sleeves and stuffs.  Really well done! :D

He also has basic movement in his arms and legs. 
I think this is a really well designed action figure and I quite like all the detail! I think they've upped their game a little compared to my old Princess Leia action figure (who had unfortunately been lost...:( ) who wasn't as detailed as Hux is. I still love her, though! I'm really happy with this little First Order General and love having him in my collection! :D


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