Hair Changes, Costumes, and a Hoodie

So first, Kitty and I decided that Rose has too little hair, so we gave her another layer of hair in the back to make it a little more like Rose's hair in Season 2. Plus we gave her a little haircut.
Original Hair

Original Hair

I know, not much of a difference in this picture, but there is.  Yeah, we changed her earrings too, but we had to take them off in the end because they were leaving purple marks all over Rose's cheeks.  :P  Also, I had accidentally put her bangs on backwards, so I fixed it up later.  :P

And now for the Eleventh Doctor's new costume! :D This one is from part 2 of Season 7 with Clara.


The fabric colors are very similar, but they are all the wrong types of fabrics. :( And the vest I made has a plaid pattern to it. P
The actual costume has three buttons on the coat sleeve, but I couldn't fit three on the sleeve and I didn't want to us my super tiny buttons that don't work so well.

Pretty.  :P 

Now this chain is what I call a work of art.  I made it using jump rings and clasps.  It is supposed to be a stop watch, but since I don't have anything that looks like a stop watch, I just made the chain.  :P

There are even working pockets!  ^_^  I finally figured out how to do so.  However, this fabric that I used for the vest frays like crazy, so it took forever before I got the pockets working right.

I also made him a new bowtie as well as a new pair of pants so he doesn't have to borrow Benny's anymore.  Plus I attached suspenders.  They can't come off, unfortunately.

And now for a hoodie that I made.
I decided to make a test hoodie before I made Rose's hoodie from Doomsday.  As for the reason why I gave this test hoodie to the 10th Doctor is because apparently David Tennant has been wearing hoodies a lot in order to hide himself from fans.  :P  I made this out of two shirts that I don't need anymore. :P 

Working pockets!  I love pockets now.  :P  However, these pockets are kind of small, so I hope that they're bigger on the inside. 

It's even got a working hood!  ^_^  Oh yeah, I poked my finger while hand-sewing the hood which is why in above pictures I have a bandaid on my thumb.

Even a working zipper.  ;)

Plus I adjusted the jacket and pants to the Doctor's blue suit because they were a bit too wide.  And now, the Doctor looks just like his clone from Journey's End!  :P
This is how the suit used to look.  Pretty bad, right?


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