Doll Earrings (Tutorial)

Kitty here! I know I haven't posted in a very long time, but today we have a new craft tutorial we want to share with you guys! ^_^ Doll earrings!!! They fall out sometimes, but they're super cute. So let's get started!
This is what you'll need:
    • A needle-nose pliers
    • A wire cutter
    • Earring hooks
    • Jump rings
    • Sequins (Or other things like that)

      All of these can be bought for pretty cheap at Walmart. :)

      Step 1. Open up the jump ring using the needle-nose pliers

      Step 2. Put the jump ring through the hole of the sequin

      Step 3. Put the jump ring through the earring hook as well (Beware, the sequin falls out easily while doing this!)

      Step 4. Close up the jump ring so everything stays together.

      Step 5. Now it's time we get a doll, if you're using a cloth doll, then use a pin to poke a hole into the doll's ear, wiggle the pin around to make the hole bigger.

      Step 6. Put the earring through the hole in the ear.

      Step 7. You can cut off some of the wire of the earring hook if it's too long, but don't cut so much, it needs to be kept a little long so it will stay in the ear.

      Repeat the process for the other earring and there you have it, your very own doll earrings! The cute thing with American Girl Dolls is that they pierce the doll's ears so they can wear earrings too, so you can also use this tutorial for AG Dolls too. :)

      I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! Stay tuned for another tutorial soon! :D


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